Camden Community Project Volunteers

The role:

This volunteer role covers 1  day per week (expenses paid)

BlindAid are running a community project, offering a wide variety of support programmes to blind and visually impaired people, based at the St Pancras and Somers Town Living Centre, NW1 1DF.  The project runs on Fridays between 10am – 3pm.

Volunteers will have responsibility for greeting and helping to guide Service Users around the facility, assisting service users during classes and liaising with the Community Project Manager.

The person:

You are over 18, have excellent conversational/interpersonal skills, sensitivity and a strong commitment to the welfare of others. You are courteous, reliable and completely trustworthy.

How To Apply:

Please complete our Volunteer Application Form

If you would like to discuss this opportunity before applying, you can also contact us on:

0207 403 6184



Guiding and Visual Impairment awareness training will be provided by BlindAid.

"The courses at the community project have helped me relax and re-join society"