Our Values


BlindAid was established in 1834, and over the last 190 years, we have supported well over two million Londoners.


Instilling a positive, supportive community for visually impaired Londoners  is at the heart of everything we do.

Integrated support

We give people the time they need to come to terms with the loss of their sight and develop the coping strategies they need to thrive. Our services are not time bound, but based on each user’s specific needs. While some service users only need a gentle hand on their journey to independence, others need consistent support.

Passionate & dedication

Our enthusiastic outreach team is dedicated to working alongside our service users offering friendly company,  conversation and practical support as well as information and links to other useful organisations.


BlindAid is and has been since its beginning, an independently funded charity, which allows for greater autonomy and strong strategic thinking.


By constitution, BlindAid is committed to never duplicating statutory services and responsibilities. We ensure that we signpost service users to other sources of support wherever appropriate.